Fishtanklive Wiki

Britney or Abi appeared on season 2 as a freeloader and later as a contestant on Bitchtank


Abi made her debut on day 20 of season 2, entering the house under the pseudonym Britney. She quickly developed a complex relationship with Jimmy which culminated in a confrontation between the two on day 23. She started to smash his toy phone with a wooden mallet. When Jimmy saw he became enraged, destroyed the room, and threw the mallet in Abi's direction. This was the cause for his ejection from the show. After the show she started livestreaming to a small audience.

Abi returned in summer 2024 as a contestant in Bitchtank, a competition wherein a group of women live together in one room without access to the outside world except through audience interaction. Unlike her appearance in season 2, she was very quiet and non-confrontational, spending most of her time playing videogames. Abi quit the show after 6 days, leaving quietly without a word to the audience or other contestants.
