CK, short for Caroline Kinney, is a freeloader who appeared on season 2 of Fishtank. She was the ex-girlfriend of Brian. She was the first major freeloader of the season (aside from Chris' Santa Claus cameo) and entered the house on Christmas Day (day 8).
On Christmas Day, day 8, CK entered the house and was said to have been Brian's ex-girlfriend. This led some, such as Cole, to believe that this was a lie and that both Brian and CK were acting, though relationship chaos still ensued, especially regarding Brian's relationship with Trisha. CK had an especially combative relationship with the frequently taunting TTSes, which seemed to stress her out.
The love triangle between CK, Brian, and Trisha, continued over the next few days. By day 11, CK seemed to have had enough, to the point that Brian even asked CK to leave the show, as her presence decreased his chances of winning, in his eyes. Later that day, Ben arrived and gave the house an ultimatum to keep either Brian or CK. The rest of the fish unanimously chose to cast out CK, who had stated her desire to leave.