Fishtanklive Wiki

Frank Hassle is a freeloader and MDE affiliate who appeared on Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 of Fishtank.


In Season 1, Frank was voted into the house by the Fishtank audience after several weeks. His stay brought chaos to the contestants and freeloaders lives, as he destroyed furniture, personal belongings, and also expelled bodily fluids onto beds and property. He was forcibly removed from the house for defecating in Sylvia's closet. Frank would later return to visit the house on multiple occasions, including the finale.

He was brought back for Season 2 as a freeloader, immediately following Jimmy being eliminated as a freeloader himself.

In Season 3, Frank was brought on and took on the role of Wild Randy. He threatened Alex B's monkeys and family, which riled him up and caused him to threaten to leave on multiple occasions. After plenty of hassling and physical altercations, Frank ultimately caused Alex B and Connor to quit the show on November 17. By contrast, Mizzy and Payton fought back against Frank's hassling to mixed results.

Official Description[]

Frank Hassle is a content creator and internet troll who became increasingly well-known starting in 2020 for his videos where he harasses or "hassles" people in public, including making sexual advances at them and accusing them of things they didn't do. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he purposely refused to follow guidelines and targeted people who were following them. In these videos, Frank records the reactions of strangers to his actions through a camera strapped to his head

Hassle gained particular notoriety online in September 2020 for an incident in which he showed up at the house of YouTuber Boogie2988. Boogie would point a gun at him and fire a "warning shot" into the air, leading to his arrest. Hassle was banned from YouTube that same year and now uploads his content to Gumroad.

