Fishtanklive Wiki

Inception of The Cell[]

In the final week of Vampire Bloodgames, during the Tower challenge, a camera feed called "The Cell" was brought online. It displayed an unfurnished room filled with thousands of woodchips. Two fans of the show, Oddbod60 and Cryokeen, were blindly thrust into the room to compete in a challenge mirroring the Bloodgames contestants in the tower. If they could prove their worth by lasting a single night in the room, they would graduate to the show and meet the other contestants.

Tayleigh was forced into the room via an audience poll and immediately clashed with Cryokeen. She interrogated him about his posts regarding her and perverse online behavior. Eventually she shot him with an airsoft gun which caused him to threaten legal action and leave the show early. Oddbod completed the challenge and joined the main cast of Bloodgames for the remaining two days. At the end of the season it was revealed that the cell camera would continue running through the summer with experimental and low-stakes content.

The Cell Podcast

For the first few days production staff and contestants would party in the cell and chat with the audience. On July 14, 2024 the Cell Podcast Challenge started featuring Nifty, Zoltar, and Spencer. Their aim was to stay in the cell and continue talking as long as possible. Various people would join them, some production staff and some random people either homeless or street-casted. New fishtoys such as forced cardio (the contestant must do one minute of cardio), bubble time (shooting a bubble gun in the cell), and add a ball (adds a plastic ball to the cell) were added. One of the homeless men, Dave, lasted a few days and a fishtoy was added to give Dave a beer. Nifty was ejected from the show for refusing to participate in numerous activities. Various drug addicts and homeless people made their way in and out of the cell, but Dave and Oddbod60 always remained.



Bitchtank is a competition that premiered on July 19, 2024 and happened simultaneously with The Cell. A group of women lived together in one room with no access to the outside world for two weeks. They were made to compete in challenges, deal with the audience interaction, and interact with the cellmates. Letty joined the production staff during this time. Fishtoys like alcohol delivery, bed snatcher, pep talk, and plushie delivery made a return. There were also new fishtoys added like a rose and champagne deliveries as well as forcing the girls to go live on instagram.

The Cell and Bitchtank often overlapped. A fishtoy was added that would send one of the girls into the cell for the remainder of the night. All the girls were made to interact with Dave and were instructed to call him Daddy Dave to respect his years of wisdom. Dave spent 6 days inside the cell before leaving to visit his family, promising to return. Oddbod60 left the house on July 22 and returned to England.

Over the next week a multitude people came and went from the house, various girls had short-lived appearances. Homeless people were introduced to the tank, including Scrip and his girlfriend who would be dragged out after being tackled by Scott for trying to attack Xavier Ravenblood. Dave returned but he very quickly picked up that the energy in the house had shifted to a much darker tone. During an interaction with Sam and JustPearlyThings he was pushed to tell the story of how he went to prison. This crossed a line for Dave and he exited the house just two days after returning. Haley lost the Nuketown 1v1 challenge and was eliminated on July 28th but Kato decided to leave instead, giving Haley a second chance. During this time, Duan'ye, Greg, TikToker powEnvy, Youtuber JustPearlyThings, and Xavier Ravenblood made appearances as freeloaders. Claire was eliminated on July 29th through a challenge loss and was brought back as a freeloader just one day later.

Bitchtank concluded on August 1st, 2024 with a multilayer elimination challenge between Haley and Shadi. Haley proved she was the most beloved (by having the most roses), the most determined (by finding and devouring a block of cheese from the floor while blind), and the most ruthless (by killing Xavier Ravenblood in cold-blood).

Immediately after the finale an infinite timer "counting down" to Season 3 was added to the site. This was removed on August 26th 2024 when Fishtank Streaming was unveiled

Photo Name Birthplace Age Profile Placement
Haley-1721435342062 Haley North Carolina 25 5'3"



Shadi-1721454797280 Shadi California 25 5'7"



Claire-1721435354842 Claire Missouri 21 5'3.5"



3rd (Eliminated 7/29/2024 by challenge loss)
Juliana-IGLIVE Juliana New York ? 5'2"


Removed by production on 7/30/2024
Kato-IGLIVE Kato ? ? ? Quit on 7/28/2024
Abi-1721435404409 Abi Alabama 22 5'7"



Quit in the morning of 7/25/2024
Leah Australia 30 ? Eliminated by user vote on 7/25/2024
Jasmine-IGLIVE Jasmine Massachusetts ? ? Quit at midnight on 7/25/2024
Kalei-IGLIVE Kalei Kentucky ? ? Eliminated by challenge loss on 7/24/2024